shǔ. 属 (屬) 12 strokes. Practice. Definition belong to / category / be subordinate to / genus (taxonomy) / be born in the year of (one of the 12 animals) / family members / dependants, join。
Period. Free Revision. Paid Revision. Paid Handwritten Revision. Start – After 9:00AM on the day of signing the Notice of Intended Marriage. After the last working day before the Wedding Day
彬字结构五行详解如下:彬字结构五行等待更新中,或者是非取名推荐用字,暂无取名意思分析。 注:汉字结构五行是汉字主体五行的重要组成部分,内含汉字五行重要信息,是“易.数”、
開門見房 - 属 meaning -